Welcome to Home Run, our picture window and armchair travelogue for you to view the runs we have completed by returning to base and initiatives and endeavors being pursued in earnest.

We really mean it when we say in the second line of the landing page on our website –

What we have shared here is what we have practiced and have generated metrics in support of the derived benefits.

Our focus is primarily on talent enrichment for enterprise evolution and performance enhancement for business growth.

We are keen on presenting clear, qualitative and metrics driven evidence towards our achievements, initiations and implementations underway with clear evidence of benefits and accrued improvements in efficiency and productivity.

You shall find the DNA of our consulting elements woven so seamlessly and executed though our houses of value builder, business administration, business intelligence, corporate governance.

You shall also get to see how our functions of frontline innovators, culture builders, digital masters and IT & security manifest under business intelligence.

It gives us pleasure to convey that we have taken conscious steps to be ISO 27001 certified for information security management by January 2023. This is a focused initiative of our IT & Security function, tasked with securing transparency, trust and credibility in managing information in our enterprise.


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Zap Tech value addition by Intelligence Partner

Talent enrichment

We have engaged with Mr. Anand Bijapurkar, who is contributing as an Intelligence Partner since 15th February 2022. He has promulgated many doctrines, policies and processes as can be seen in a relevant downloadable document.

Key amongst his more than 18 value contributions includes Zap Tech vision and mission statements, culture statement and people policy, Chaar Dhaam Yatra for people enrichment and engagement, code of conduct, soul series and presentations on Zap Tech universe and Nimble Surge.

Performance enhancement

Our talent enrichment measures and practices have enabled our key team members to perform even better by way of enhanced capacity, capability, deployment of resources and enriched experience.

Shamlee Mhaske, our Growth Partner was certified on 18th June 2022 as a Communications Expert under aegis of Chaar Dhaam Yatra. You shall clearly see all the metrics of her contribution that has led to her certification in the document as shown below. She is well on her way for being mentored as a certified People Manager, the next step in the ladder of talent enrichment.

Pratiksha Rathod of our HR team was accorded a certificate of appreciation of integrity on 7th September 2022 under aegis of our code of conduct doctrine.  You shall clearly see all the metrics of her engagement that has led to her being appreciated for her integrity in the document as below.

Reciprocation by way of rewards and recognition to team members exhibiting evidence and metrics-based performance enhancement are accorded titles of Performers of the month and Mastermind of the month.

There are quite a few initiatives and endeavors being pursued which are currently in study phase of Prashikshanam. We shall apprise you of the same once there are significant developments along the way.