We, at Zap Tech, offer services in business consulting for enterprise growth and fulfillment.

Nimble Surge, our platform for enterprise fulfilment involves enterprise assessment and re-alignment for sure-footed evolution using many of our tried, tested and proven proprietary doctrines.

Our process involves taking a hard look at the current status quo of an enterprise, setting the house in order and propelling it into the next orbit with concentric or radical diversification for further sustained, exponential growth.

It is a down to earth program, based entirely on common sense, practicable, easy to understand, is proven and appeals to one’s intellect and reasoning.

Build a strong foundation for your enterprise by getting to know about and implementing our unique 5 I’s, a proprietary doctrine.

Within management by SMART objectives, understand that the what and how of an objective is achievable and will be achieved is pivotal.

Thrive in the next orbit by simply managing only 3 elements.

Ether – Compass – Platter – Evolved platter, our proprietary process of streamlining the offerings of every enterprise for thriving in the next orbit.

Other specific subsets are deployed for fulfilling specific functions like business communication, customer experience, demystifying data and people engagement.

These subsets are showcased under the It’s Next tab.

our unique 5 I’s for what it takes to have a
strong foundation for every enterprise






Our impact

We have helped more than 19000 people residing across the USA clear a collective debt of more than 45 million Dollars.

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